Im here just dumping some commands, as a dictionary for myself mostly, and for others who might tend to google these things too:
install .deb package: (dpkg much more intuitive word than "install") sudo dpkg -i package.deb remove file: rm "filename" remove directory: rmdir "dirname" remove directory with files in it (whyyyy so retarded?) rm -rf "dirname" navigate to folder: cd "folder" navigate back: cd .. unzip tarballs: (i'm so glad it's not the same command for every extention) (zxf is so easy to remember. unzip would make no sense at all) tar zxf file.tar.gz tar zxf file.tgz tar jxf file.tar.bz2 tar jxf file.tbz2 edit user permissions (and also lock yourself out of your system): sudo visudo add something to startup: sudo nano /etc/rc.local (then add your command to the file before "exit 0")
Well, atleast there is no long hexadecimal error codes like in windows: